Wednesday 11 January 2017


The Selfie-O challenge has been set up as a ‘fun challenge’ to test route planning, map-reading, navigation skills & off-road running. This is NOT a serious competition and is more about fun. 

The aim is for each team to find a series of clues and to take a 'selfie' at each one to prove they were there. You will have fun, explore new paths and see things that you have not seen before.

The challenge is open to paid up members of Macclesfield Harriers (aged 18 and over) and must be done in teams (2 or more) for safety reasons.

- The 2017 challenge starts on Saturday 15th July 2017 and ends at midnight on Sunday 6th August 2017

- To take part please send your team name, names of team members (including email address) and a team selfie (or a picture of each team member) to Neil Gunn ( - at least one team member must have a  Facebook account.

- To cover the costs for the event a small 'entry fee' of £5/person is requested (I have covered the cost of the event myself for the past 2 years - this will pay for things like medals & post-event Prosecco).

- The clues for the challenge will all be displayed on a BLOG called (this will go live on 15th July), also on the Facebook page and also via a PDF file by email on request.

- There are 50 clues in total and each is worth one point. There are additional bonus points available at CLUE 14 - this is essential to get 'maximum points' (and points means prizes). Details about the bonus points are described on the clue sheet.

- There are three levels of challenge (to allow for people who have not got much free time available):-

BRONZE - 30 clues
SILVER - 40 clues
GOLD - 50 clues

- There are 16 COMPULSORY CLUES (ie you need to get these for Bronze, Silver or Gold) but the remaining clues are for you to choose. The compulsory clues are marked on the clue sheet.

- Each clue has one (or two) pictures, a code (or part of a code) & a description that will guide you to that clue (hopefully the picture will make sense when you find the correct location) – you will need to crack the various codes to get started with the challenge and to find certain clues.

- The clues are in random order – if you do them in clue number sequence it may take a long while to complete the challenge – you will need to plan your strategy! 

- If you plan well you will have some good runs out – you can create routes to capture several clues.

NOTE: It is not in the spirit of the challenge to use cars  to get close to clues – plan a good run instead!

- You must prove that you found the clue by taking a ‘selfie’ with team members in it (and the clue should be in it to prove where you were). For a team of two both people must be in the selfie, for a team of three at least two must be in the selfie, for a team of 4 at least 3 must be in the selfie...I strongly advise teams of 2, 3 or 4 and no more (personally I think 3 is the best number).

- The whole event will be managed on Facebook and you will need to be added to the 'Closed Group' (called 2017 SELFIE-O) for the event - contact Neil Gunn for access to this group.

- As you find the clues and take your ‘selfie’ please upload it to the Facebook photo album in the '2017 SELFIE-O' group that has your team name as a title (this album will be ready waiting for you and you will have access to add your selfies). Please add the clue number as a description to the picture so I can update the score sheet every 2-3 days.

- You can ask for some help with clues if required (some of the clue descriptions are cryptic). I will then give you the grid reference for that clue - the number of requests for help from each team will be taken into account for the final score to determine 'the winners' (so not requesting help is best!). 

- Please follow the country code – leave nothing behind!

- Due to the ‘remote’ location of some of the clues it is necessary to do this in teams (two or more)…but the more people involved makes logistics tricky. I think a team of 3 people is the best option. There are several clues that are 'remote' and I STRONGLY advise not to attempt them in poor weather or at night.

- All clues are within a 7 mile radius of Macclesfield Town Centre (north, south, east and west). If you plan well you can create circular routes of 5-6 miles with good parking at the start/finish (this is how I created the challenge).

- All clues are located on (or very near) public rights of way (footpaths, tracks, permissive paths etc) and it is NOT necessary to trespass or to climb over walls/fences to find them. Some clues are in an 'urban' area.

- All the clues/paths can be found on the Ordnance Survey ‘Orange’ Explorer Map 268 (1:25000) and Explorer Map OL24 (White Peak, 1:25,000) – remember that each square on the map is 1km x 1km

- There will be prizes for completing the challenge

- Any errors should be pointed out to the organiser ASAP so that the clue sheet can be corrected

- The organiser’s decisions are final and the organiser does not accept bribes of any kind unless red wine or beer is involved.

- Although the challenge will officially end on 6th August 2017 teams can continue to find clues and submit ‘selfies’ – it is all good practice!

Neil Gunn
Selfie-Challenge Organiser 2017